Welcome to a new school year

This time of year always brings with it mixed emotion. There is the regret that the long summer days are ending. The disappointment of having to set an alarm or wear a watch once again. The simple reality of back to ‘work’. And yet, despite all of these emotions, the prevailing feeling is one of excitement: the promise of a new school year and the possibilities that lie ahead. This year I have the added excitement of a new school, new students and new staff members (not to mention a new blog).

As our students walk into the classroom on Thursday with their new shoes, new clothes and new school supplies, they also come with their own mixture of anxiety and excitement. Our words provide an incredible opportunity to make a difference in their day. What will we say to ease their nerves? What we will say to convince them that we care about them? What will we say to set the tone for the year and create a community of learners within our classrooms?

When we doubt the influence we might have on our students, we can simply look back at the week following Jack Layton’s death. One person certainly can make a difference. Many of the people sharing their thoughts about Jack Layton, had never even met him and yet felt that he had influenced their lives. We have the awesome opportunity to spend hour after hour, day after day with those charges in our care. We have the awesome opportunity to instill a love of learning and a love of life within our students.

 Have a wonderful first day of school.

8 thoughts on “Welcome to a new school year

  1. Dan

    Way to go new Assistant Prinicipal. It is GREAT to have you on board, sharing the mission of St. Charles School with you. Your first blog reminds me of just how important the role of teacher is with our wonderful students. Blessings on you as you experience a new school, new families and new exciting educational initiatives. We are all so happy to have you with us!!

  2. Wendy

    😀 Great job Karen! Heard the cutest comment in the hallway today…”Momma it WORKED!!! I prayed, and prayed last night to be in that specific classroom!!” You gotta love the enthusiasm and life that the “First Day of School” hallways always bring! Missing U here…but lovin’ the blog!

  3. Linda

    Awesome! Love to read your work each week. You are very inspirational to me. Miss you, but know you will do great things where you are!

  4. Michelle Smart

    First of all, congrats on your new position. They are very lucky to have you and will soon understand why you are missed by your old staff members! Thanks for the inspirational words to start the new school year.

  5. Keri-Lyn

    I cringed when you mentioned wearing a watch! I’m so happy to not be wearing a watch…it’s like when a dog has to wear a collar or a horse a halter! Freedom!!!


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