“If you build it…”

I’ve watched Field of Dreams many times over the years. I was even fortunate to meet W.P. Kinsella, the author of the book Shoeless Joe, on which the movie is based.

I connect to the movie for a number of reasons. First, it’s about the father/child relationship. Second, it’s about baseball. Not only have I played for more than half of my life, I have countless treasured memories of playing catch with my own dad. And finally, the movie also features a writer. So yes, I connect to the movie. But isn’t that the point? Connections.

Perhaps Field of Dreams doesn’t do anything for you. Perhaps you have another favourite movie or book that means little to me. We don’t always know what our students will connect with. This is precisely why we must provide literature on a variety of topics and themes. When students connect to the literature they read, they will forge a relationship with books and reading, and perhaps, understand themselves a little better.

“If you build it, he will come.”

3 thoughts on ““If you build it…”

  1. Clare Landrigan

    We love involving students in curating, organizing and designing classroom libraries. The more involved they are in building it, the more they will use it and identify themselves as lifelong readers. Love the connection from Field of Dreams…


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