So Proud

I’m proud to be a teacher: to be part of this hardworking, dedicated profession. As proud as I am to be surrounded by other teachers, I am even more proud of our students.

Today, in the middle of July, I stopped by a lemonade stand. That visual you have in your head – a handmade sign, a few students at a table by the side of the road – some of that is accurate. But add to this image: snow cones, a popcorn maker, cotton candy, a BBQ, Plinko, a Facebook page and all proceeds donated to the Stollery Children’s Hospital.

This group of students started a lemonade stand 8 years ago in memory of one of their peers who died from Leukemia in Kindergarten. The lemonade stand began modestly but has grown in size each year since. Last year these kids raised over $18 600. This year’s goal is to surpass $20 000.

John Quincy Adams once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” 

These incredible leaders give up a week of their summer for this cause. Do your part: stop by the Namao Sobeys (9611-167 Ave) from now until Sunday. They are open each day from 10 – 6. Let’s help them reach their goal! 

Moses, your memory lives on.


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