Strengthened by Adversity

She lived in a house where drugs were the norm. The environment was unstable, volatile, dangerous even. She was taken from her mother, placed in multiple foster families and eventually, returned to her mother. All before she reached the age of ten.

This is one story. How many other students in our midst have stories laced with similar tragedy? You know them. You work with them every day. Is it surprising that these students have difficulty focusing in class, forming relationships with their peers or feeling good about themselves?

Adversity comes in many forms: strained relationships, abuse, illness, poverty, the death of a loved one, job loss, divorce, rejection. Some of our students face significant adversity at such a tender age. Statistics tell us that some will fare well; others will turn to addiction and continue the only cycle they know. Though we have resilient kids in our midst, they rely on the hope and stability we provide.

When we are living through pain, loss and devastation, it can be difficult to find hope. And yet, adversity often provides the perspective we need to appreciate the life we have been given. “Life is truly known only to those who suffer, lose, endure adversity and stumble from defeat to defeat.” Anais Nin

Be thankful today for those who surround you, for the blessings in your life and even for the adversity that has shaped the person that you are. And if you are not currently low on this roller coaster we call life, reach out to someone who is…


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